February 12, 2025



Do It Yourself: Organize Your Garage and Declutter Your Life

Is your house crammed to the gills with unlabeled boxes and bins spilling over with old items, Christmas decorations, incomplete projects and other old décor? Has your flooring edmond ok turned into a glorified storage room? When it’s time to do some yard work and is it not possible to find the rake or shovel? Is there tools strewn from one side of the garage to the other? Do you have to pilot your way through mountains of unused relics just to get to the lawnmower, bike or stroller? Has your garage become so packed you can even park your vehicle in it? It might be time to organize your garage if you said yes to any of those questions.

Imagine this, keeping everything cleared out of your garage and actually parking your car in there. Having a place where your car’s protected from the elements, a place where it won’t get water spots from the sprinklers, a place where you can get in your vehicle in the morning without having to scrape ice off the windshield. Isn’t that what a garage is for anyhow? Not just a place to store your worthless items, but a place to actually put your car in. If you are ready to reclaim your garage here are a few tips to get started.

Establish what you would like to actually use your garage for and what kind of items that you would like to keep it. For example, is your garage to park your car and the vehicle is only? Will your garage double as a workshop or possibly fitness center? Or does it need to counter as a storage area for things like your yard tools, bikes, scooters and other sports equipment? Do you need a place to store your seasonal decorations?

Making a list of the things you’re going to store and your garage is very essential. Use the data to identify which part of the garage will be used for which function and what types of items will be stored in the various section of the garage. Make sure to list any additional material, tools or equipment you may need to accomplish this. For example if you need to buy shelves, cabinets, hooks peg-boards or bins. Also make sure to note what tools you are going to need to get everything installed.

Make a schedule of when you are planning to tackle the garage and get the job done, being specific and setting the date will help to keep you on schedule and stop from putting it off until another time. Set aside plenty of time to start sorting and organizing the items in the garage into categories. Use containers like bins to help categorize and separate the various things in you garage. By sorting everything this will give you the opportunity to actually see what you have and how much stuff you really have. You will be able to discover items that are broke, out of date or that you just no longer want. Sort all the items outside of your garage so that while it is empty you can get it cleaned, swept and even painted if you want.

Take note of the vacant space while the garage is empty and try to determine if you have enough storage for all of your possessions. Walls and ceilings are valuable real-estate that can be utilized by getting shelves, free standing cabinets, organizational grids, cabinet systems, bin systems and other hanging storage helpers. Make sure to keep in mind parking space if you plan on parking your car in your garage.

When placing the items back in the garage keep similar items together. For example place all of your holiday decorations in the same area. Put all your tools and shop equipment together in a designated area of the garage. Using labels on the bins, cabinets and shelves will also help to remind you where the items go once you are finished using them.

Following just a few simple steps you can reclaim your garage, you can park your car in it, and you will be able to get the screwdriver or hammer when you need it. You will know accurately what is in your garage and will be able to enjoy going in it without getting disheartened because you can not locate what you are looking for. The additional bonus will be the sense of achievement you will have once the work is finished and you have your garage back.