March 10, 2025



Working Miracles by Faith – Lesson 3

If you are serious about receiving a a course in miracles then you must do the following actions. Each one places you in control of your current circumstances. There are three steps that must be done together. If you do one without the others you limit your results. The same goes for doing only two out of the three steps. You must do all three. Ready? Here they are.

1. Plant the life producing spiritual seed from the Word of God in the garden of your soul by visualizing already possessing the desired results from God’s promises even though the manifestation in the natural realm isn’t noticeable yet.

2. Water the garden of your soul with the early and latter rains of the Holy Spirit by giving thanks and praise to God for already possessing the desired results from His promises even though the manifestation in the natural realm isn’t noticeable yet.

3. Shine the energizing rays of light from the Glory of God upon the garden of your soul by acting on your faith where you demonstrate that you believe you have received the desired results from God’s promises even though the manifestation in the natural realm isn’t noticeable yet.

Do each of the above three actions three times a day until the manifestation takes place in the natural realm for your miracle. Expect the resurrection power and the divine life of Christ Jesus to flow through you. Know that the higher law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the lower law of sin and death.

You must believe that you have received your miracle before you can ever see it manifested in the natural realm. And you cannot just do the above actions once and expect it to be there like going through a fast food restaurant drive through. You keep doing the above actions until they completely internalize within you. When this happens the miracle actually forms within your spirit and like a baby being formed in the womb your miracle grows until it is time to be birthed.

What happens is that you continue to do the above three actions and then things begin to line up and you develop an inward witness or feeling as to what to do next. Things begin to manifest where you know you should act on them or take some kind of action. This is because you have created your miracle on the inside of you and now it is being birthed or manifested on the outside of you in the natural realm. You will begin to notice things are happening around you that witness to the fact that you have your miracle. And you will begin to see signs all around you that your miracle is happening in the natural realm. You may even want to journal your experiences and record the sequence of how things took place. This will not only help you in the future, but could also be a tremendous help to others as you share your testimony of all the good things that God has done for you.

That is what is meant when the bible says that Christ in you the hope of glory. You are in agreement and in cooperation with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit and together you are working to bring forth the miracle that you so desperately need. As it is said, you can give a man a fish and feed him for a day. But if you teach a man to fish, you can feed him for a lifetime. This method using the principles of faith will not only give you your miracle you need now, but will also provide for you in the future.