October 22, 2024



10 Reasons Why Every Speaker Must Write a Book

As soon as your a course in miracles comes off the press, you will immediately be seen as the expert in your subject area. Authors are valued, praised, and respected, and you will be seen as an authority. This alone is a good enough reason to get your book done and off the press!

You must own your own database, have your own network, and have relationships with your own group of people. A book is the perfect way to create a following, establish connections, and generate interest in you and where you are going as a speaker and author.

The people listening to you want more than you are telling them. A book gives them more, a tangible tool that they can take home and study for years to come.

The absolute best, most effective platform for selling a book is from stage. The audience is listening, they are hungry, and they want your book! You will create more interest and sell more copies of your book from stage than anywhere else.

One book that is going to press as I write this is costing the author less than $1 each! He is buying 5,000 copies of his 128-page book (Achievement-A Proven System for Next-Level Growth), and if that were your book, you could be using your book as your “business card,” referral tool, prospecting tool, gift, etc. The opportunities are limitless at these prices. Your book will get you in the door.

Your book is a permanent text that can be studied, underlined, and applied by those who want to learn what you are teaching. Without your book, they will walk away with almost nothing from you

It is impossible to tell your story and share your message, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, like your book is able to do. A book is passed around and recommended, and it consistently gives the same accurate information. What’s more, others can teach others when they have your book in hand. Multiplication begins with your book!

I tell authors-to-be that the secret to getting the book out of them is to do what works for them. If you like to speak, then speak the text out, record it, and there is the basic text of your book. Or you may need to set aside a weekend to get the book out of you. I helped one businessman create his book (Accelerate Your Destiny) from a 2-day interview session. The process was simple and smooth. Either way, once you’ve prepared your speech, your book has taken shape.