October 18, 2024



Christian Dating Online – Ranking the Top 5 Sites

Fully 76% of Americans identified themselves as Christian in 2008. Of this population, roughly 20% attend church regularly and are defined as “committed” mystical teachings of jesus. A recent study found that 1 in 5 new committed relationships begin as a result of online dating. What do these statistics mean for one another?

With more and more single people using online dating sites, committed Christians will represent a significant pool of these potential daters. There are literally millions of single Christians in the U.S. who are using online dating to meet other like minded people.

What are the best places for Christian singles to go to find a vibrant community of high quality potential matches? We have reviewed and tested the top five Christian online dating sites in the U.S. Without further ado:

1. Christian Mingle

Christian Mingle is among the top of the dating sites out there for singles of faith. The website is easy to use and the technology platform is the best that we reviewed. We interacted with quality Christians as a result of our membership. Keep in mind that other sites seemed to have more members in their community. While there were clearly enough potential matches at Christian Mingle to make it worthwhile, we would like to have seen more people in our local areas. Christian Mingle is a dating site that you should consider joining.

2. Christian Cafe

ChristianCafe is a great online dating option for single Christians. We feel very comfortable recommending it to our readers and believe that it is possibly the best Christian dating site out there today. We were immediately impressed by our first search for dating partners in our respective local areas. There were many high quality matches. Member profiles specifically deal with a person’s biography and their faith. We found that the type of people who subscribe at ChristianCafe tend to be devoted and serious about religion in their lives. If you are thinking about trying an online dating site for the first time, we would encourage you to try ChristianCafe. The environment is friendly, respectful, and very much part of a Christian value system.

3. Singles of Faith

Though this site’s community is smaller than others, we were actually very impressed. The Christian people with whom we emailed and met from this community were of the highest quality. The site provides an atmosphere of positivity and respect, placing great emphasis on serving Christ and becoming a better person. The focus on being and doing better was a breath of fresh air in a world that sometimes seems to be very self centered. In fact, the site organizes “Ministry Mobilization” days throughout U.S. communities, which gives members the opportunity to volunteer in their local areas. What a great way to give of yourself and potentially meet other singles in the process. We recommend this site wholeheartedly if you are looking for a community and perspective that is unique and inspiring.

4. Christian Dating for Free

Christian Dating for Free is a very good website for what it is-a free and simple way to interact with Christian singles. We felt that the member community was large and had the ability to grow quickly given that anyone can register without paying. It is definitely worth reviewing this site and searching your area for matches. Many of our editors felt that this site wasn’t the best quality on several levels, but its value proposition remained high.

5. Christian Singles

Christian Singles is a pretty good, middle of the pack Christian dating website. On one hand, we think they did a good job of creating a site that truly preserves Christian values. On the other hand, we have reviewed other Christian dating sites that delivered more potential dates and a more vibrant community of people. There is a balance that must be achieved between creating a community with a critical mass of people, while at the same time ensuring that the Christian values of the community remain intact. We would encourage you, should you have the interest, to register and review the site before subscribing.