Prefabricated okc concrete kits are an excellent way to construct your garage quickly and efficiently. Many of these prefab garage plans are also very attractive, and because the floor plans have been well thought out the cost is actually less than designing and building your own custom garage in most cases.
One of the first things you need to know before purchasing a prefabricated garage kit is whether or not you want to have the vendor assemble the garage, or if you’re going to do it yourself or hire a local contractor. There are advantages and disadvantages to each method. It is fairly rare that the vendor will provide complete site preparation and installation services, however there are some that will do you a turnkey package for a significant additional cost.
If you’re going to do it yourself then you may want to limit the size and complexity of the garage plan that you purchase. On the other hand, if you hire a local contractor you should ensure that they have some familiarity with prefabricated garage kits. If you hire a local contractor who is used to doing things their own way you may be off to a rocky start if the contractor isn’t used to following instructions.
The next thing you need to decide is the floor space that you will require. Depending on the intended use of your new garage you may need more space and in some cases particular shapes to your floor plan. If your primary purpose is to store your vehicles and yard tools then your design will be fairly straightforward. On the other hand, if you intend to use your garage for vehicle storage as well as having a area exclusively reserved for a workshop then this will complicate the electrical and ventilation requirements.
Options such as types of garage doors, quality of materials, roof styles, windows, and architectural materials are all choices that you will need to make. Obviously all of these options will impact the final price of your prefab garage kit.
Garage doors come in a variety of materials including insulated steel doors, as well as architecturally enhanced wood panel doors. Window choices for prefabricated garage kits are generally restricted to different patterns of glass outlined along one row near the top of the door. Most garage plans will also allow for some flexibility as to the number of windows and man doors that you decide to add to your kit.
You should also be aware that most prefabricated garage kits consist of the garage itself and do not include site preparation, provision of primary electrical service to the garage, or footing and floor construction. These will all have to be provided by either yourself or your local contractor prior to assembling the prefab garage kit.
Remember that these costs can equal or exceed the actual cost of the garage so be prepared to allow for these costs in your budget. In most parts of the country excavation and concrete for the footings and garage floor can add up to a significant portion of the overall cost of your new garage.
Costs can vary dramatically throughout different parts of the country, however here are some average costs for high level budgeting. An eight hundred square foot prefab garage kit with average options may be in the $2000 to $2500 dollar range, whereas a twelve hundred square foot garage with extra options may be $5000 or $6000 dollars. Additional windows will probably add $150 dollars per window to your cost, and architectural quality materials can add significantly. Assembly and installation prices tend to run between $4 and $5 dollars per square foot depending on the size of the garage. Of course site preparation, footings, general contract management, and all building permits are in addition to these costs.
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