February 14, 2025



The 4 Basic Categories of Machine Tool Cable Assembly Products

Machine tool cables are used in a variety of applications including numerical machine tools, milling machines, vertical busbar machine centers, lathes, and intelligent surface grinding machines, among others. Choosing the right machine tool cable assembly producer is a critical process. Selecting the wrong production company to work with can lead to constant tool failure, workplace safety issues, and ever-increasing cable maintenance and replacement expenses. The first step to choosing a machine tool cable assembly is understanding what the four basic categories of machine tool cables are.

The first category is referred to as high-flex shielded control cables. This type of cable is most often used for portable control wirings. This type of wiring is often found in towline systems. It can also be found in numerous fixed external and internal wiring systems of common electronic equipment. The primary purpose of this type of cable is to be able to withstand continuous bending without failure. The durability of high-flex shielded control cables is often determined by repeated U-type bending over one million+ cycles.

The next type of cable assembly products are standard control cables. They operate in a similar manner as high-flex shielded control cables; however they are not designed for continuous bending. This type of cable is most often used for internal and external control wirings in machinery. It is typically a less expensive option than high-flex shielded control cables. While it is super-flexible, it is not as durable under continuous U-type bend testing.

The third category of machine tool cables are data transmission cables. Data transmission cables are typically very flexible and contain multiple cords or pairs. This allows for constant low voltage signal transmission. This makes it suitable for portable control wiring of tools as well as internal and external wiring of electronic equipment. The most notable difference this cable offers is the size of the wires. IN most cases, each wire is notable thinner than traditional control cables, however because multiple wires are combined the overall size is often comparable.

The final category of machine tool cable assembly products are power cables. Power cables often include coatings which are ideal for long-term static use. Protective coatings and designs can make power cables anti-rate, anti-termite, ultraviolet resistant, and flame-retardant. This type of cable is perfect for creating safe and reliable operation of drivers, electric machinery, and of course directs power supplies.

It is important to remember that each category of machine tool cable assembly includes a significant number of sub-categories. Sub-categories can be determined based upon exterior protective material, connectors, operating temperatures, insulation, and flexibility.